PBR rendering support, implemented both Metallic and Specular workflows.
- Renamed namespace Castor to castor.
- Added ChangeTracked and GroupChangeTracked classes, allowing to track changes to a member variable.
- Renamed CubeBox and SphereBox to BoundingBox and BoundingSphere.
- Splitted Colour in two classes: RgbColour and RgbaColour.
- PlaneEquation is no more a template class.
- Created a buddy allocator class: BuddyAllocator.
- GlslWriter class now holds the shader program inputs, to generate a glsl::Shader source.
- Renamed namespace Castor3D to castor3d.
- Emissive in a material is now stored on a single floating point (emissive maps still hold a colour though).
- Implemented Physical Based Rendering, using both metallic/roughness and specular/glossiness workflows.
- RenderPipeline now also holds the shader program.
- Implemented Screen Space Subsurface Scattering (without backlit transmittance, though).
- The light pass result is now stored in two render targets: diffuse and specular.
- Vertex buffers now use a buddy allocated pool.
- Shadow mapping now uses variance shadow maps.
- Transparent meshes are now rendered using Weighted Blended OIT rendering.
- Screen Space Ambiant Occlusion has been improved, using Scalable Ambiant Obscurance implementation.
- Parallax Occlusion mapping is implemented.
- Reflection and refraction mapping have been implemented.
- Deferred rendering has been fully integrated to the engine, for opaque objects rendering.
- Created components for submeshes, to move functionalities out of Submesh, and make it more flexible.
- Rendering now uses a depth prepass.
- Created ColourSkybox, to handle background colour and skyboxes in the same way.
- Created ShaderBuffer class, to be able to handle SSBOs or TBOs in a similar way, choosing the most appropriate one, depending on running machine.
- Created DiamondSquareTerrain plugin.
- Events from CastorGUI are now forwarded to the user.
- Removed almost every importer plugin, keeping only Assimp, OBJ, and PLY importers.
- Created SMAA post effect.
- Created Kawase Light Streaks post effect.
- Created Film Grain post effect.
- Updated GlRenderSystem to support the features provided by Castor3D.
- Technique plugins have been completely removed.
Tone mappings
- Created Uncharted 2 tone mapping plugin.
- Fixed bounding boxes for animated meshes and skinned meshes.
- Repaired an reenabled frustum culling.
- Fixed alpha rejection.
Castor3D Installer (Windows x86).
Castor3D Installer (Windows x64).
Castor3D Installer (Debian amd64).
PBR rendering VS SSR rendering:
Terrain generation using Diamond square algorithm:
Reflection/Refraction map:
Subsurface Scattering: